Private Equity



2 minutes


In conversation with FwDiscovery Williams Technology portfolio company AMT

Maria Nelson of Williams Advanced Engineering spoke to Founder of FWT portfolio company AMT, Joseph Crabtree, as part of our FwDiscovery Williams Technology miniseries.

Maria Nelson of Williams Advanced Engineering spoke to Founder of FWT portfolio company Additive Manufacturing Technologies Limited (AMT), Joseph Crabtree, as part of our FwDiscovery Williams Technology miniseries. AMT is a developer of fully patented technology designed to unlock the potential of industrial additive manufacturing, otherwise known as 3D Printing.

In this episode, the pair discuss the unique enabling technologies AMT has developed to empower the user of industrial manufacturing to produce high-quality, end-use parts and how the company has seized opportunities for growth during the pandemic.

How have 3D printing technologies evolved over the past twenty years and what does the future hold for this sector? As demand for 3D printed parts grows, sector leaders are turning their attention to digital processes that can deliver high-quality and sustainable parts at scale. AMT recently announced its new partnership with HP 3D Printing to provide industrial post processing for innovative 3D printing applications. This partnership is a clear testament to the value of AMT’s systems for this sector and is certainly an exciting milestone for the company.

To learn more about FwDiscovery’s collaboration with Williams Advanced Engineering and FwDiscovery Williams’ investment in AMT, click here.

If you would like further information or to discuss an investment opportunity, please contact us on +44(0)20 3667 8199 or email at risk.

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